Hopefully the old adage "A new broom sweeps clean" will have application to the VA after January 20, 2025. Before the 2024 election, Secretary McDonough had already announced he was leaving the VA at the end of Joe Biden's presidency. Its pretty clear right now that McDonough and his top management of the VA are the people who decided to absolutely "stonewall" Judge Carter's orders. Hopefully the Trump Administration will follow-through on its stated distaste for the professional administrative class of second and third tier political appointees running the VA, and replace them. It has been clear from the trial transcripts in this lawsuit that those are the VA bureaucrats who dictate to the VA civil service employees who regularly show up as spectators in Judge Carter's courtroom.
Hopefully,, Judge Carter's basic ruling and judgment, after the trial, that the West LA VA land is the res of a trust created in 1888 will stand-up upon inspection by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeal. Given all the other court battles in which Judge Carter has engaged-in with the 9th Circuit on homeless issues, hopefully Judge Carter has written his various judgments, rulings and "opinions" in a way allowing him to have successfully navigated around the viewpoints of the Biden VA and DOJ's posturing in this breach-of-fiduciary-duty trial.
One should not forget that on his first outing as a real estate developer, in building Trump Tower, Donald J. Trump simply disregardered New York City's mandate that the Art Deco Bonwit Teller building's beautiful front stone facade be "cut off" the old department store building and given to the Metropolitan Museum to preserve or recycle, before the partnership of the Trumps and Equitable Life could build Trump Tower there in the early 1980's. Instead young Donald Trump just called in the bulldozers and "architectural preservation" didn't stand in his way of his vision.
Perhaps President Trump 2.0, who loves to "build things still" will take the time to order his crew in Congress to legislatively rescind the "historic preservation" of the shabby, old, derelict buildings on the West LA VA North Campus, because they stand in the way of the Executive Branch discharging the VA's fiduciary duty to build veterans' housing on the campus despite the VA's claim "There is no room to build.".
The historic preservation of all the old, earthquake damaged and time worn buildings on the West LA VA's North Campus is a mere clever artifice of the West LA Democrat elite to keep the VA from meeting the demand for veterans housing, That historic preservation scheme is nothing more than an ugly artifice to keep mentally ill but ambulatory veterans out of the Brentwood Glen and Barrington Corridor neighborhoods, despite the fact that the "Veterans Home" and its occupants got to the Eastern part of Brendwood 60-100 years BEFORE the beat-up 1960's and 1970's condos in the Barrington Corridor became "million dollar condos" as well roughly 110 years before the original ratty little houses in Brentwood Glen skyrocketed in price as they were renovated into a low-price version of the "real" Brentwood on the flats and in the hills to the west. The fear that a mentally ill veteran living on the West LA VA's North Campus could or would wander as far west as Kenter Canyon or Madeville Canyon and do some harm is NIMBY pretext by rich Democrats at its worst.. Demographically, an army of U.S.. military veterans just voted Donald J. Trump into office. The least he can do is wipe the slate clean on the pretextual historic preservation district on the West LA VA North Campus, wiping the slate clean for the cost-effective building of many more new apartments like those of the most recent 2 types built by the VA's apartment developer ground lessees.
Let's hope Republican veterans advocates inside and outside Congress can sell President Trump 2.0 on ordering the building of more veterans apartments than the plaintiffs hardworking lawyers and Judge Carter ever dreamed of.
Hopefully the old adage "A new broom sweeps clean" will have application to the VA after January 20, 2025. Before the 2024 election, Secretary McDonough had already announced he was leaving the VA at the end of Joe Biden's presidency. Its pretty clear right now that McDonough and his top management of the VA are the people who decided to absolutely "stonewall" Judge Carter's orders. Hopefully the Trump Administration will follow-through on its stated distaste for the professional administrative class of second and third tier political appointees running the VA, and replace them. It has been clear from the trial transcripts in this lawsuit that those are the VA bureaucrats who dictate to the VA civil service employees who regularly show up as spectators in Judge Carter's courtroom.
Hopefully,, Judge Carter's basic ruling and judgment, after the trial, that the West LA VA land is the res of a trust created in 1888 will stand-up upon inspection by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeal. Given all the other court battles in which Judge Carter has engaged-in with the 9th Circuit on homeless issues, hopefully Judge Carter has written his various judgments, rulings and "opinions" in a way allowing him to have successfully navigated around the viewpoints of the Biden VA and DOJ's posturing in this breach-of-fiduciary-duty trial.
One should not forget that on his first outing as a real estate developer, in building Trump Tower, Donald J. Trump simply disregardered New York City's mandate that the Art Deco Bonwit Teller building's beautiful front stone facade be "cut off" the old department store building and given to the Metropolitan Museum to preserve or recycle, before the partnership of the Trumps and Equitable Life could build Trump Tower there in the early 1980's. Instead young Donald Trump just called in the bulldozers and "architectural preservation" didn't stand in his way of his vision.
Perhaps President Trump 2.0, who loves to "build things still" will take the time to order his crew in Congress to legislatively rescind the "historic preservation" of the shabby, old, derelict buildings on the West LA VA North Campus, because they stand in the way of the Executive Branch discharging the VA's fiduciary duty to build veterans' housing on the campus despite the VA's claim "There is no room to build.".
The historic preservation of all the old, earthquake damaged and time worn buildings on the West LA VA's North Campus is a mere clever artifice of the West LA Democrat elite to keep the VA from meeting the demand for veterans housing, That historic preservation scheme is nothing more than an ugly artifice to keep mentally ill but ambulatory veterans out of the Brentwood Glen and Barrington Corridor neighborhoods, despite the fact that the "Veterans Home" and its occupants got to the Eastern part of Brendwood 60-100 years BEFORE the beat-up 1960's and 1970's condos in the Barrington Corridor became "million dollar condos" as well roughly 110 years before the original ratty little houses in Brentwood Glen skyrocketed in price as they were renovated into a low-price version of the "real" Brentwood on the flats and in the hills to the west. The fear that a mentally ill veteran living on the West LA VA's North Campus could or would wander as far west as Kenter Canyon or Madeville Canyon and do some harm is NIMBY pretext by rich Democrats at its worst.. Demographically, an army of U.S.. military veterans just voted Donald J. Trump into office. The least he can do is wipe the slate clean on the pretextual historic preservation district on the West LA VA North Campus, wiping the slate clean for the cost-effective building of many more new apartments like those of the most recent 2 types built by the VA's apartment developer ground lessees.
Let's hope Republican veterans advocates inside and outside Congress can sell President Trump 2.0 on ordering the building of more veterans apartments than the plaintiffs hardworking lawyers and Judge Carter ever dreamed of.